A Plethora of Pinked Hearts from Liz Kettle

Tutorials by Liz Kettle, Textile Evolution
I never used to be a ‘heart’ person. When I was in my formative art years, hearts were passé, trite and so unsophisticated. I was forced into using hearts because it is a great shape for teaching techniques; simple, recognizable, everyone can draw one, perfect for appliqué with curves with both inside and outside points and most people like them. Somewhere along the way I realized that even if they were trite in the ‘serious’ art world I had fallen in love with them! I make my art to please myself these days, so even if the sophisticated shock artists of the world roll their eyes and dismiss me as trite…I am contented with my hearts. Just like we often dismiss simple shapes we dismiss utilitarian tools or stitches. Take the lowly pinking shear…designed to help prevent fraying at the edge of fabric, very utilitarian…of course, most seamstresses found the little zigzag edge appealing but didn’t often call upon that cuteness for decorative effects. I have always loved rickrack and pinked edges so when I wanted to make a woven fabric base with just a little more pizzazz than normal for my hearts I grabbed those pinking shears and well…I fell in love yet again! How could I resist that little zigzag edge? Weaving fabric is another often overlooked technique that is simple and low tech but gives you a wonderful intricate look. Using the pinking shears for the woven fabric strips gave me the bonus texture I was looking for and also made it easier to weave my strips together. I thought for a moment that it might be going over the top but I went for it anyway and pinked the edges of my hearts for an easy finish that doubles the cuteness factor.
- Fabrics: 2-4 fabrics that blend or contrast. Fat quarters work well, or you could even use scraps.
- Havel’s Pinking shears
- Misty Fuse or other fusible web
- A non-stick ironing and craft sheet, such as the Goddess Sheet
- Craft felt — I used white, cut 12" x 17". Your piece can be smaller or larger depending on how many hearts you desire
- Pearl Cotton or embroidery floss, and embroidery needles
- Marking pencil and ruler
- Ribbon for the heart banner
- Poly fiberfill for stuffing puffy hearts
Making a Woven Fabric Base
Follow these steps for making your woven fabric base.

Pinked Heart Garland
Follow these steps to create your Pinked Heart Garland:

Puffy Pinked Heart
Follow these steps to create your Puffy Pinked Heart:

Stitched Pinked Heart Card
Follow these steps to create your Stitched Pinked Heart Card- Cut or tear a piece of art paper slightly smaller than the card size. Stitch a running stitch around the edge with pearl cotton or embroidery floss.
- Stitch a curved running stitch on your pinked heart with pearl cotton or embroidery floss. You could also stitch flowers or other designs.
- Use Misty Fuse to adhere the paper to a card base (I used a premade card base for this special greeting), and then the heart to the paper.
- Add a decorative strip of fabric or other embellishments as desired.
Pinked Conversation Hearts
Follow these steps to create your Pinked Conversation Hearts:
- Fuse a backing fabric to the back of your woven heart fabric.
- Trace 2" hearts and cut out with pinking shears.
- Stitch around the outside edge.
- Print conversation heart sayings on ribbon or twill tape. Directions to print onto ribbon or twill tape are available in both of my books or you can search online for tips.
- Cut Misty Fuse in thin strips the width of your ribbon/twill tape and fuse the sayings to your hearts.
About Liz Kettle
Liz Kettle is a mixed media and textile artist living in Colorado. She is the author of First-Time Beading on Fabric: Learning to Bead in Nine Easy Lessons and Know Your Needles; and is the co-author of Fabric Embellishing: The Basics and Beyond (with Ruth Chandler, Heather Thomas and Lauren Vlcek) and Threads: The Basics and Beyond (with Debbie Bates). Visit her website at www.TextileEvolution.com.
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