Bali Fish: Recycled Hexie Quilt

Anyone who knows me knows my love of vintage quilts and textiles...and for repurposing those vintage pieces that might otherwise be discarded or forgotten. One of our greatest champions for both vintage and repurposing is Mary W. Kerr, author of A Quilt Block Challenge: Vintage Revisited, A Quilted Memory, Dare to Dance, Cutting Edge Art Quilts and now her latest, Recycled Hexie Quilts: Using Vintage Hexagons in Today’s Quilts, which we featured in today’s Artistic Artifacts enewsletter.
Mary, an American Quilt Society certified appraiser and an award winning quilter (visit her website to learn more), excels at merging her love of all things vintage with the freedom of expression of art quilts. I have been happy to have participated in serveral of Mary’s projects, and even had some of my quilts published in her books. While at the 26th Annual Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival February 26-March 1 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, VA, we were thrilled to have one of Mary’s quilts in our booth: Bali Fish, pictured below. What a wonderful example of how our batik panels can be combined with other fabrics, designs and traditions!

From Recycled Hexie Quilts: “Bali Fish combines a contemporary batik fish panel with fragments of a mosaic top from the last quarter of the nineteenth century. This partial top was gifted to me in segments, as there was extensive damage in several areas of the textile. After the piece was quilted, I added eyelash trim for a pop of color and to soften the transition between the panel and mosaic top.”
Bali Fish was beautifully machine quilted by Shannon Shirley (see detail below).

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