Block Printed Quilt-lets
I enjoy printing with my wooden printing blocks on fabric. I often print on small pieces of fabric using a motif, without an advance plan for how the pieces will be used.
When I saw what Jamie Fingel did for her Rebel Quilting (which I studied up on in order to take Jamie’s place at Portland Art & Soul), I thought that instead of using pieces of stenciled fabrics as Jamie does, I could instead use my block printed squares and rectangles.
So I gathered up my stash of wooden block printed fabrics, a piece of felt, Misty Fuse, rotary cutter and mat and went to work straightening the edges of the printed fabrics.
After cutting a rectangular piece of felt, I applied Misty Fuse to the entire surface. My first attempt of fusing on a multitude of block prints and fabric strips resulted in lots of colors and patterns. Frankly, It was an ugly disaster! While I saved it as a reminder of what not to do, I’ve “conveniently” misplaced it to avoid the visual spreading out on the World Wide Web!
Taking a deep breath I stepped back and tried to calm the arrangement down into something I’d be happy with. How to do that?
The big Aha! moment: limit the color palette of our quilt-lets By printing the wood block motifs in the same colors and by using a limited number of coordinating fabric in between the block prints.
Included in this post above are some of the art quilts I've made since that aha moment. These are the perfect size to experiment with some thread sketching and free-motion quilting. I “bind” the edges with a loose satin stitch all around to prevent unraveling and fraying.
I’m also sharing some photos from our June 11 Woodblock Printed Collage Art Quilt as I taught students how to print and design their own version of these quilts.

We all had a great time creating that day! As usual, we enjoyed ourselves so much we didn't take nearly as many photos to share as we should have. Everyone walked away with wonderful pieces!

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