Fabric Woven Wire Basket
I get asked many times how I created this fabric bowl that has been on display at the store for a couple of years.

This began as an experiment that I thought I would duplicate, in order to sell the final creations. Yes, I purchased many wire baskets in preparation for this retail launch. LOL!
I have gotten as far as the sample!
This project draws on my love of upcycling as well as my experience as a weaver.
To begin, I took what I felt was ugly painted fabric and stamped on it with the same paint color, purple with bubble wrap. Then I tore strips, approximately 1" wide or so. I did not sew these torn strips together, but left them different lengths.
I wove them in plain weave loosely: over, under, over, under the metal that formed the wire basket. (You can see the vertical wire structure of the bowl in another photo below.) As I reached the end of one strip, I added couple hand stitches to attach the next strip length. I found doing so easier than beginning and working with a very long length of fabric.
After weaving for approximately 2 ", I scrunched the fabric close together to hide the metal of the basket (see photo below).

Working in this manner, I kept going until I reached the top. At the top of the basket I whip-stitched (so to speak) around the top with another strip of torn fabric.
I also added feet, created with some wooden beads that were painted to coordinate, by wrapping and twisting jewelry wire.
In the above photo as well as below you can see the bits of sheer fabric and beads I added to embellish the bowl both inside and out. (Disclaimer: This is a purely decorative piece. I would not use it for food!) The purple roses were added to the finished bowl quite a bit later...they seemed to belong together!

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