Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and wishing you all the best for 2015! Do you have any artistic resolutions for the New Year?
There are a wealth of ideas out there, but here’s a TinkerLab post from a couple years ago that you might enjoy: Five New Year’s Resolutions that Fuel Creativity. (TinkerLab, a blog by Rachelle Doorley, was originally designed as a source of inspiration for parents, teachers, and caregivers in search of creative activities for children...it has since grown into a creative hub that includes art-making prompts and creative inspiration.)
If your resolution includes learning a new technique, we have a number of classes already set for 2015, including several in January...the perfect cure for post-holiday middle of winter doldrums! Take a look at our website for the latest, and plan to check it regularly as we continue to add to the schedule.
In 2014 we began our How Do I Use This? program, inviting you to join us as we began with instruction in how to use a product or explore a technique, finishing up with plenty of time for your own hands-on experimentation and playtime. Due to popular demand, with the coming new year we will be beginning a daytime How Do I Use This? program in addition to continuing our Thursday evening sessions. If evenings have not worked with your schedule, you will now be able to join us each month on a Tuesday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
If one of our resolutions is building your community, join us for JAMs (Judy’s Altered Minds) — you will find a large, like-minded group who share their creative efforts in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The January meeting will take place on Sunday the 18th: hope to see you! In addition to our usual ATC exchange, we will be having our quarterly art paper-doll exchange (winter-themed), led by Bette Rudgers. If you don’t live close enough to Artistic Artifacts to join JAMs, we encourage you to look for your own local options. MeetUp is a great resource!
Remember, Artistic Artifacts will be closed for New Year’s December 31–January 2, reopening on Saturday, January 3 (closing at 2:00 pm). We hope you too have been able to take some time off during this festive season to visit with family and friends!
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