Photo/Project Updates
It’s time to tie up some loose ends and catch up on some photos!
First, for those who live locally, I wanted to personally invite you to the first session of our new “How Do I Use This?” series, tomorrow evening (Thursday, January 9) from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Each month I will be showing off a product/technique and then offer you a hands-on opportunity to play! We'll begin with Viva Products: Modeling Cream, Crackle Paint and Ferro Special Effects Paste.
During each session we’ll use paper and fabric to create two samples, which will be incorporated onto large shipping tag. Online reservations are preferred so that we can be prepared. $10.00 per session includes light refreshments, tags, and full use of provided products and materials. \

In today’s enewsletter we referenced the most recent blog postings on creating a fabric journal. I had created some new pages so that I could photograph the steps, and above is a photo of the cover I crafted for it, using XoticFelt. The multicolored striped wool is from a children’s wool sweater I fulled, embellished off with hand-stitching.
The button closure? A wooden bead painted with Precious Metal Effects Paint (that stuff is magic on a wide variety of surfaces). Below is a photo of the journal opened. Now it’s just ready to be filled with notes and ideas and sketches!

I wanted to finally show off my block printed snowflake quilt. In that previous post I promised a follow-up photo, so here you are!
I had written that I wasn’t yet completely happy with this while it was still in progress. But putting it aside, ruminating on the possibilities, and getting some fresh inspiration made all the difference. (Click the photo for a larger view)

I had used my snowflake wooden printing block with textile paint, deColourant and deColourant Plus on fabric and Lutradur (70 lb). I did try cutting the fabric strips smaller, as I had thought I would, and that alone was an improvement.

The other key was incorporating some Angelina in the quilt in the form of snowflakes. Angelina is notoriously difficult to photograph, but I hope you can get the idea — it has added a really wonderful lightness and sparkle to the fabrics and colors.
Speaking of sparkle, I hope you are planning to join us for our Mixed Media Metallics Opening Reception on Saturday, January 18, 2014: please bring a canned or packaged food donation as your “admission.” We have more than 90 entries and they are all wonderful in their own right — you won’t want to miss this!
Many of the artists generously donated their entries to our silent auction benefitting Food for Others, so you will have the chance to add a gorgeous piece of art to your own collection while supporting a wonderful cause. Please help us spread the word about this event!
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