Support the Shop Small Movement

This November 25, we want to share Small Business Saturday® with you! Small Business Saturday® is an annual shopping tradition celebrated every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Dedicated to supporting small businesses and celebrating communities across the country, the Shop Small movement was founded by American Express in 2010.
Shop Small® with us — grab a friend or family member and come by Artistic Artifacts between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm on the big day. As a Thanksgiving weekend expression of gratitude to our customers, visitors can enjoy a store-wide 15% discount on products (some exceptions apply). We have plenty of wonderful gift selections for your favorite creative friends and family as the holiday season approaches! Fill out a wish list (on paper in the shop or online) and let us know who we should contact to drop the hint for your OWN perfect present!

We invite you to come relax and hang out at the shop — getting away from the mall crowds and/or extended family — and get yourself in a positive frame of mind for the upcoming holiday season. We will have door prizes, all the makings and instruction on creating a Stitch Meditation, plus a 1:00 pm presentation by Janette Coffee of Essentially Holistic (see more below).

Previous hand-stitching or embroidery experience is not necessary to create a beautiful Stitch Meditation, and we will have plenty of fabrics, threads and embellishing scraps on hand for you to play with! The Stitch Meditations pictured here are some of the recent creations of Liz Kettle of Textile Evolution (watch a video by Liz on her website) who created this amazing practice. You can also learn more about Stitch Meditations and view many additional examples in our own previous blog posting.
Whether as a reaction against the big-box madness of “Black Friday” or simply to show support, many embrace Small Business Saturday as a holiday shopping tradition. If you are not close enough to visit Artistic Artifacts yourself, please visit your own local small businesses (whether exploring new ventures or your hometown favorite), dine at a local non-chain restaurant, and more. You can help get the word out about this important “think big, shop small” movement by using #shopsmall on Facebook and all your social networks.
Artistic Artifacts is one of the 706,626 small businesses in operation across Virginia. Small businesses make up 99.50% of all the businesses in the state! (Statistics based on data from the Office of Advocacy’s Small Business Profiles; “Small Business” is defined as a firm employing fewer than 500 employees.)
From local restaurants to the paint store down the street, small businesses have created major impacts across all communities and help ensure local economies stay strong and vibrant. Invite your friends and family to join you: Shop Small and show your love for your favorite places. Because when small businesses succeed, we all do.
Introduction to Essential Oils

Artistic Artifacts will be the site of a 1:00 pm presentation by Janette Coffee of Essentially Holistic, discussing döTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils. Janette promises “Essential Oils are safe and affordable and can help with everything from difficulty sleeping and stress, to chronic pain and digestive issues. If you want to learn how to use a natural remedy to achieve your best health, this is the right place!”
From döTerra: When you choose döTERRA, you are choosing essential oils gently and carefully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy. Each döTERRA essential oil is also carefully and thoroughly tested using the strict CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality protocol. Experienced essential oil users will immediately recognize the superior quality standard for naturally safe, purely effective therapeutic-grade doTERRA essential oils.

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