Coffee Break by Cut Loose Press with Dudley Shugart
Saturday, December 7, 2024
10:30 - 1:30 pm
Need a fresh table runner for your kitchen or coffee bar — or want to make a handmade gift for the winter holidays? Cut Loose Press shares, “The Coffee Break table runner is an all-time favorite pattern. Make this stunning table runner or make several blocks for a quilted tablecloth! Or, make just one block and turn it into a mug rug for a quick and easy gift. Add a pocket on the back to add a note, gift card, chocolate, teabags, etc. Add that awe factor by quilting their name on the cup!”
Student Supply List: Each student should bring the following.
- Coffee Break pattern by Karla Alexander for Cut Loose Press
Creative Grids Spider Web Ruler (CGRKA6), or any 45 degree ruler
- Five (5) light or coordinating fat eighth yards for background
- 10 colors fat eighths for cups and saucers
- 1¾ yard sashing, border and binding fabric (can be selected after cups are made).
- rotary cutter and cutting mat.
- sewing machine in good working order that you are comfortable using
- basic sewing notions (thread, pins, scissors, fabric marking tools, etc.)
Note: students are expected to have basic sewing skills and knowledge of their sewing machine — this is not an introduction to sewing or a beginning sewing class.
About the Instructor: Dudley Shugart, a member of the Burke chapter of Quilter’s Unlimited, has been quilting for decades as well as having years of experience working at quilt shops, including Artistic Artifacts! Dudley also periodically hosts mini quilting demonstrations and creates many of the beautiful sample quilts you see on display.